mercredi 23 mai 2007

Life sucks 2

I know, I already said that this morning. But la déclaration tient toujours.

I don't feel much better actually, I think I have an intoxication alimentaire or sth (a small one probably, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to write these lines).

I just wanted to thank all of those who sent me emails after reading this morning's post, to ask me what was wrong, and wish me good luck, but also those who cared, and thought about sending emails or calling.

It feels great! Thank u!

4 commentaires:

Kaoutar a dit…

Coucou!! Iwa I think l mood is a bit better daba right?:)

Yallah, waiting for a new post! Hurryyyyyyyyy! (Hurry up machi "hurry" Potter :P)

Anonyme a dit…

Safi a selma 7ta nti walliti katkassli b7al chi nass ;)

Yallah cheer up and publish another of your great posts.
your readership is getting impatient ;)

SABA a dit…

Hello, Humeurs d'hommes kariban 3ala chachatikoum!! good night!!

Kaoutar a dit…

Hey Mr. S!! banli b7al la lm3ani khddamin around here la?? Well u're right this time! I think the name "manque d'inspiration" will apply to my blog daba!xD (3an jadara wa sti7qaq) :)