He says: Look, I'll go and play with my other friends, discover new things, and have fun. I'll come back when I get fed up with them. Actually, no, I am not sure I'll be back..
Anyway, I want you to stay here. Right here, and keep waiting for me. But don't you cry or leave, just wait. Ok?
She says:
****????? ***** *** ****????? *********??!!!!!*************!!!! ***!! ****!!!!**** ******* ?****? ***** ??********??? ******** !!!!!******** ??******... ****.... ****; ********; ********; ***!!!! ****???? ******** ************ ********* ********* !!!!! ***** ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's it folks!
4 commentaires:
Lalla SABA!! Iwa ma m3anach la censure!!! :p
@Kaoutar: "la tas2alou 3an achya2a in tabdou lakoum tasou2koum"... :)
daba tu es triste ou heureuse ?
tu veux qu'on le frappe ? ou qu'on vous souhaite lay kamal bikhir ?
@7didane: ni l'un ni l'autre.. :) j'aime ... je partage :D
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