mercredi 8 août 2007

LG (life is good),

First and above all: Marrakech is on fire!

It feels soooo good. U feel hot and wish u could have a moving shower wherever u go, but it's fun!! really!! My body (and mind) feel sooo good in this heat!

Later:Dinner, dancing and singing: Milord (not bad), Hotel California (not bad too), je suis malade (horrible, I'll never sing it again in public, never ever). BUT I LOVED IT!

But also:

Age average: 28.

Music: House, techno. (How can u dance on the same (almost) rythme non stop? U cant invent new moves for every song, sorry: for every sound! what kind of music is that anyway??? though the DJ always looks very serious and concentrated..)

Thank u girls for the wonderful evening!

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Et moi qui dansait toute la journée au bureau sur des rythmes de AC/DC :'(

Bse7tek :-P

SABA a dit…

@B2: Merci!!

Nina a dit…

ENJOY your 'free' time :)

Anonyme a dit…

une inconditionnelle de Safran et Canel, enchanté et vive Marrakech (enfin ce kil en reste ;D)

SABA a dit…

@Boukal: bonjour! bienvenu sur mon blog!

Vive Marakech!! je ss d'accord!