mardi 19 juin 2007

Baby attitude.

My life is turning about work and a new born within my family lately.

I try to go and see her whenever I have a minute. Coz she's absolutely adorable. Crying a lot, for food, well, I'd rather say formula, diapers change, and affection. She's only days old now, but she's absolutely GORGEOUS!!!

It's wondeful to look at her, and touch her little feet or hand, I can't even think of holding her, she looks (and definitely is) so fragile and tiny.

Seeing her and her young parents makes me think a bit about my life as a single young woman.

Hoping to have a baby myself one of these days, but thanking God I don't have to assume that responsibility any time soon yet, and enjoy my long and quiet sleeping nights, and devote my time (after I'm done with work) to myself, my family and my friends.

Well, I think I also have to be grateful for dealing with adults only, who can use words and signs to express their needs and emotions (though it's not applicable to all the people I know). Whereas Lilya's parents have to decipher her baby cries everytime and guess what she actually needs.

Allah issme7lna men 7ek lwalidin wsafi!!

5 commentaires:

Kaoutar a dit…

Ameen :)
You were very right to mention touching her hands and feet. Babies are real incredible miracles, but everytime I see or especially touch and baby, it's his/her hands and feet that seem so amazing!! Sub7an Allah!:)

And u'er right again concerning teh fact that there ARE adults who don't use the means of expression they have to unveil what they think.

Kaoutar a dit…

By the way (back to babies) I think Lilya's parents will learn with time how to decipher her cries the right way. I know women who succeed in identifying the babies' need just through the way they cry: thirst or hunger, lack of sleep or pain, hot weather or just need for attention, etc... !

Seems we still have a lot to learn :)

Anonyme a dit…

ta ana gorgeous....
le papa de lilya

SABA a dit…

Mé non cousin, toi c ta modestie ki fé ton charme!!!! quand au mot Gorgeous, laisse le à ta femme et ta fille, elles le porteront mieux!! :)

Majhoula a dit…
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