jeudi 29 mai 2008

George Clooney and Sarah Larson Split..

Ze Source says:

George Clooney and his girlfriend Sarah Larson have split up after a year of dating, a source tells PEOPLE.

The actor's rep, Stan Rosenfield, would only say: "We do not comment on George's personal life."

The pair
initially met in Las Vegas nearly four years ago, when Larson, a onetime Fear Factor winner, was a cocktail server at The Whiskey Bar. But it wasn't until the pair met for the second time in June 2007 in Las Vegas that sparks flew.

Larson, 29, and Clooney, 47,
made their public debut together at the Venice and Deauville film festivals last September. Later that month, the twosome were injured in a motorcycle accident.

Earlier this year, Larson accompanied Clooney to the Oscars – the first girlfriend ever to go with him to the event.

Though there was speculation that Clooney would end his longtime bachelorhood, in March the actor
shot down rumors of an engagement.

Je sais... je n'ai aucune (ah bon? dixit qui?) chance.. mais bon.. c'est un obstacle de moins ..

11 commentaires:

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te9wass o maye dire !

Anonyme a dit…

wa sa7abty tu etais a deux pas de chez lui,,, t aurais quand meme pu passer lui declarer ta flamme, fik ghyr lhadra,,,,

bizz ma grande et rappel toi ke if u cant be with the one u lov, lov the one ur with


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They had little in common, or so they say.

Anonyme a dit…

Wa nodé derebi l'fguede ferassek ya lehbila !!! :)))))))))))))

SABA a dit…

@7didane: ;)))

@Marssia: wayeeh!! ghir lhedra exactement ;))

@Larue: absolutely!!

@Marocaine: waaayli? ze3ma ghadi ikoun mazal available?? darouu bih l3ediyan safi ;)

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Saba ma chérie 7altek s3ayba allah ychafi :-))
bises ma reine

SABA a dit…

@Moony: pas tant que ca quand meme, j'ai vu pire ;)

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Saba ma chéri tu es complétement gaga de ce mec :-p et ça se comprends wakha rah bda kaychraf chwiya .... ana ba3da je te soutiens à donf ... dima dima Clooney :-))))
PS: aji dis moi.. ton texte est totalment invisible à part qq phrases!!! oula ana ba9i mafa9t lol
Bisouuuuuuuuus la compagnie et surtout profitez du WE

SABA a dit…

@Ouafa: loool; merci pr ton soutien ma belle ;)) sinon, pr le texte, il é sensé etre en orange, comme tous les autres postes, mais j'ai beau verifier les parametres, ca ne s'arrange pas, ca reste en noir, alors tu sais ce que tu peux faire? selectionne le texte, et il s'affichera en blanc, le temps que je trouve une solution!

Bizz et bon weekend a toi aussi!

Kaoutar a dit…

lool qallek masa'ibou qawmin ... :p

Good news for you bez :p iwa hya chi urgent trip to the US! :p

Kaoutar a dit…

By the way bez, check this out:

Isn't this you by any chance? lol